Just in case you've been on another planet - or not linked to me on Facebook or Twitter - I was interviewed on Radio Oxford last Friday, as part of the promotions for the Witney Book Festival (17th-19th June). I was in a state of complete trembliness and discovered what it meant to be dry mouthed with fear.

Not that I need have worried - Jo Thoenes, the afternoon presenter, was simply marvellous and soon had me at my ease - or at least, as much as I was ever going to be. The interview flew by as she asked me about my early life, my books and how I got to be where I am. To my relief I didn't fluff, stall or swear and more importantly I got all the plugs in for the Witney Book Festival and of course, my signing and exhibition at Teddy Bears of Witney, next Saturday, 10am-4pm.

My lovely friend Debs heroically ferried me about that afternoon and took photos. I had intended to take in some 'Puddletown Tales' characters to show Jo, but silly me, I left them in my studio at home. Thankfully Debs had her pig, Apricot, who came to be the star and I also brought in a work in progress - afterwards giving a flying demonstration to the nice programme producer who looked after us.

I have even been asked back, should I have another book to promote (*crosses fingers and prays to the Gods of publishing*). The interview - half an hour long in three parts - is available to listen to for four more days on the BBCiPlayer (so if you are coming to this after the 17th of June, I'm afraid you're too late!). To find me, fast forward to about 1.08 in the programme, after the wonderful Percy Sledge.

After the interview we were all thrilled to find a message on the Radio Oxford Facebook page from Janet in America - which was lovely, and like having a little bit of her there with us.

Not that I need have worried - Jo Thoenes, the afternoon presenter, was simply marvellous and soon had me at my ease - or at least, as much as I was ever going to be. The interview flew by as she asked me about my early life, my books and how I got to be where I am. To my relief I didn't fluff, stall or swear and more importantly I got all the plugs in for the Witney Book Festival and of course, my signing and exhibition at Teddy Bears of Witney, next Saturday, 10am-4pm.

My lovely friend Debs heroically ferried me about that afternoon and took photos. I had intended to take in some 'Puddletown Tales' characters to show Jo, but silly me, I left them in my studio at home. Thankfully Debs had her pig, Apricot, who came to be the star and I also brought in a work in progress - afterwards giving a flying demonstration to the nice programme producer who looked after us.

I have even been asked back, should I have another book to promote (*crosses fingers and prays to the Gods of publishing*). The interview - half an hour long in three parts - is available to listen to for four more days on the BBCiPlayer (so if you are coming to this after the 17th of June, I'm afraid you're too late!). To find me, fast forward to about 1.08 in the programme, after the wonderful Percy Sledge.

After the interview we were all thrilled to find a message on the Radio Oxford Facebook page from Janet in America - which was lovely, and like having a little bit of her there with us.